Accepted Materials

Concrete, Asphalt, Brick, Blocks, Stone

Concrete, Asphalt, Brick, Blocks, Stone

Trees, Tree Stumps, Brush

Trees, Tree Stumps, Brush

Pallets, Unpainted & Untreated Wood, Scrap Lumber, Untreated Fence

Pallets, Unpainted & Untreated Wood, Scrap Lumber, Untreated Fence


Items NOT accepted

Trash dumpsters available for most items not accepted at our Route 9 Toms River Facility

Order a Dumpster Now!

Rules of Facility

  • Drive Slow
  • Scale in & Scale Out
  • Pay Attendant

Ocean County Recycling is regulated & inspected by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. That being said, we only accept materials per our permit and have the right to reject any load that we feel does not conform to the rules & regulations set forth in our Permit from the NJDEP. Thank you for source separating your materials!